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Our Services

Repair of unpainted PANELS (parking, vandalism and fortuitous knocks). As well as REPAIR OF GRANIZE SINIESTRES.
Repair, dyeing and treatment of LEATHER, TEXTILE AND VINYLES.
TIRE REPAIR (painted and polished).
Reparación de PARAGOLPES. Pulido de CARROCERIAS y FAROS. Reparación de VIDRIOS.
SPOT REPAIR. Repair of small damages with paint (Invisible Equalization System).
Deep cleaning of TAPICERIAS with elimination of odours and disinfection.

Fleet Smart Repair

We dedicate ourselves to the aesthetic restoration of the automobile, to the elimination and/or hide the damages of the day to day, burns in seats, typical knock in the door for parking in battery, knocks in the rims, retouches of brush, etc".

Calle Espino 3
28110 Algete, Madrid